Lullaby Lodge Kitchen Garden - June

With this gorgeous weather we have been having recently, things seem to be finally taking off at the allotment.  What with the really cold winter and late start to spring and also the pesky birds and slugs, we haven't had much growing this year so far.  We have had a few strawberries but everything else has been playing catch up...  Even though we have not had any great harvest, it is lovely just to sit in the kitchen garden and enjoy the sunshine.  Living in a small flat really makes me appreciate the space we have at our allotment.

Last year (our first year of growing) was a constant battle with the weeds.  One which I cannot say we won...  So this year we are trying things a little differently and keeping the majority of the ground covered in black plastic.  We have a lot of perennial weeds to tend with including bindweed and nettles.  Also the previous tenant was growing horseradish which has spread over most of the plot.  It puts out really deep tap roots and is impossible to dig up.  I am hoping a year or 2 of the black plastic will eradicate the worst part of our weedy problems.

So lets take a little look at what is growing on our plot right now...

Planted through the black plastic we have a number of yellow zucchini (courgettes) and come patty pans.  Aren't the zucchini flowers so lovely and cheerful.

This plant is just about ready for it's first harvest.

The bush beans are flowering and just starting to make their tiny baby beans.

In the mini green house we have tomatoes, aubergines (eggplant), chillies and bell peppers.  

We inherited a number of bramble bushes which didn't fruit last year as they had been cut right back to the ground.  So we have been waiting excitedly for a whole year to see what they would be.  This one I believe is some kind of raspberry and blackberry cross perhaps a Loganberry or Tayberry?  If anyone knows please do let me know in the comments below...

The pretty blackberry flowers are rapidly turning to berries and I can't wait to start harvesting.  I can see lots of jam making in the future.

Looking forward to our first real harvest and sharing more pictures from our kitchen garden soon.

Ta ta for now


  1. As we haven't been lucky with our tiny kitchen garden at the back of the house, we've decided not to grow anything this year. My husband is making raised beds there now, so maybe next year will bring some crop... Great so see your zucchini (I prefer the yellow ones too) growing!

  2. . I wish for the great of success in all of our destiny endeavors


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