Tea Light Snowman - Time to get crafting with the kids and make this super cute pom pom snowman - Christmas Cal

Hello everyone!  It's time for our second edition of our Christmas craft along and this week it's one for the kids to enjoy.  Little T loved making this super cute, Tea Light Snowman.  This project is great for using up scraps of yarn and fabric and is so simple to make.  This snowman will look adorable hanging from your tree this year.

Tea Light Snowman


Black marker
Scraps of fabric

Start by making a large pom pom.  Little T used a Clover Pom Pom Maker for this, but, you can use your prefered method.  There are many videos on Youtube if you have never made them before.  

Make sure you use plenty of yarn so your pom pom is extra fluffy.

Carefully cut the yarn and tie securely.

Trim into shape...

Draw a face on your tea light with a black marker.

Glue to the top of your pom pom

Cut a strip of fabric for the scarf and snip the ends to make a fringe.

Cut another strip of fabric and glue a fold on one side for the brim of the hat.  Cut a fringe along the other side.

Glue the two short edges together and tie a piece of yarn around to make a pom pom hat.

Glue your hat and scarf onto your snowman.  Add a hanging ribbon if you are planning on hanging him from your tree.

Your kids will love making these...

Little T even took some of his own photos...

Pin it for later...

I hope your kids will love making this snowman.  I will be back next week with more Christmas crafts, so be sure to subscribe so you don't miss out.

Happy crafting!

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  1. So cute, Catherine. And Little T did a great job holding still for the tutorial shots, and taking some of his own pictures. In my experience, getting those shots nicely done are the hardest part of doing a tutorial. :) Good job, T!

    1. Thanks Becki, we had fun and he was so excited I wanted to use the photo he took himself...

  2. Such fun to do crafting and I see a happy face there holding up the finished snowman! Crafting with children is so rewarding! I used to do a lot!

    1. It is, he really enjoys making things, especially for Christmas...


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